Copywriters write copy

Authors write


We matchmake brands & authors

At TWA, we believe great copywriting just means great writing. That’s why we matchmake brands with publishing playwrights, poets and novelists.

Why we Matchmake

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  • Tone-of-voice consulting and management 

  •  Poems for perfume made from the Anglo-Saxon names of each root, resin and flower running on all your socials 

  • Watches engraved with dactylic hexameter (a steady rhythm of six) marching in concentric circles 

Luxury brands are a writer’s treasure chest. Chock with history, bound up in culture, rooted in materials and process. 

Sustainably sourced textiles might offer a language of earth and nature. Flat, unadorned sentences. A vocabulary replete with bast, nettle fibre and the colloquialisms of a Lincolnian woad farm. 

When it comes to those most glittering objects capitalism has produced, beauty is truth - and specify is felicity. 

  • Think haikus on high tops. 

  •  Poems for perfume made from the Anglo-Saxon names of each root, resin and flower running on all your socials 

  • Watches engraved with dactylic hexameter (a steady rhythm of six) marching in concentric circles 

These are artefacts. Feats of digital storytelling. Ways of talking to your customers outside the frame of persuasion. Ways of offering beauty. 

Sustainably sourced textiles might offer a language of earth and nature. Flat, unadorned sentences. A vocabulary replete with bast, nettle fibre and the colloquialisms of a Lincolnian woad farm. 

Stunt marketing like this has a long and noble history. Let’s collab on the next chapter.

  • Lorem ipsum haikus on summis calceamentis.

  • Carmen pro unguentis ex Anglo-Saxonum nominibus cuiusque radicis, resinae et floris factum.

  • Horologia hexametris dactylicis inscripta (sexum constantem pulsum).

Haec sunt artificia. Facta fabularum digitalium. Modus sermo cum clientibus extra persuadendi formam. Pulchritudinem offerre.

Laboramus in mediis physicis et digitalibus ad vitam tuam notam adducendam. Tantum nos in directionem dirige et specta.

LaboramHoc genus mercatus stunt historiam longam et nobilem habet. Collaboremus in proximo in mediis physicis et digitalibus ad vitam tuam notam adducendam. Tantum nos in directionem dirige et specta.

Why we matchmake brands and authors

The promise of a luxury brand is a promise about personhood.

Notice I said the promise of a luxury brand.

The promise of a luxury company or product may be a mix of the tangible and the numinous:a perception of reliability; a measure of durability, a thread count lost on all but the mostprincess-so skin.

Brands, however, are things with values. They are playful or mature. Meticulous or chirpy.

A brand then is a service or product range personified.

So far so good in brand copywriting 101.

Why then a prize-winning poet and not a workaday copy jockey or even LLM from whom the aforementioned jockeys are increasingly indistinguishable.

Let’s put our cards on the table


At TWA, we believe writers have always been the better smiths of personhood.

It’s in the love of language. The fine-grained control of rhythm, sibilance and suggestion.

Only a writer could pen

‘the whirligig of time brings in his revenges’

Shakespear, the 12th night

Notice how the airier (/I/) sound in Whirligig sets up the denser, tightening consonance of the /z/ and /d/ sounds of brings, his and -enges. Notice how this constriction quickens the pulse. As things tighten phonically we think ‘oh dear, he truly is bringing in his revenges.’

‘latest and greatest’

From the website of a global luxury brand.

Notice the phonetic symmetry of latest and greatest. Notice the familiarity. You have read this 1000 times before.

In short then, we believe that when the promise of your brand, the promise of your person hood, hangs on the choice of an adjective, the pace of a rhythm, an evocation of place, you’re better o with someone who’s lost sleep over sibilance.

The kind of linguistic freak who has to know why brings, his and enges works.

You’re not better o with someone who goes ‘gloves, g...great gloves; nailed it’

You’re now probably thinning at least one of the following:

I bet an LLM could do it  TWA vs ChatGPT

TWA vs ChatGPT

Isn’t half the value of a copy agency that they know what makes people click buttons etc

TWA Philosophy

(we appreciate you may not have been thinking this until we suggest it)

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A 100% - unique approach to talent and service

We matchmake brands with prize-winning writers and deliver content types that have thus far not graced a page, screen or pamphlet.


A one-on-one - relationship with a published author

Allow your brand to become one writer’s muse. Know that - somewhere - at 3am, this year’s hot young poet has shot out of bed upon realising there’s some gorgeous assonance to be had between the alloys that make up your bike frame and the trails your riders love.


Copy that plays your customer’s heartstrings- like Eddie Van Halen

For luxury brands, the divine is in the details. Your customers want to be seduced. Intoxicated. They want their desire reflected back in them in language which accentuates the superlative. Why is it the sleekest, fastest most classic?